Obstruction removed


Thanks to this crew this part of the river is navigatable.

Michael Dempsey’s Shawsheen River crew: “This is our hobby: Weekly work parties to improve navigation” – before and after 🙂

obstruction near knights of Columbus


I paddled yesterday and came across this tree which had fallen totally across the river in about 3-4 ft of water.  It’s no more than a 10 minute paddle upstream from the Knights of Columbus in Tewksbury. I was able to swing my kayak parallel to it, then stand on the tree, pull my kayak over, then parallel again, and then with the help of a few strategic branches was able to get back in and didn’t get my feet wet, but I’m sure in a group there would be casualties. 

Thank you Barbara

As all of you paddle, please alert SRWA of safety issues. raf14@cornell.edu: shawsheenriver@gmail.com