Horn Bridge paddle

You will need to act fast to send in your 2022 application and agreement as a more general notice of availability will be sent out by the weekend.  We will be accepting applications on a first-come first serve basis.  The only change this year is that we ask applicants to identify the location where they want to store their canoe or kayak.  As in the past, we will ask kayakers to double up on each shelf to optimize use of the racks.  
To obtain space on the racks, download the application form and letter of agreement from the Andover Trails website:  Click here: You will need to send the forms along with a stamped self-addressed return envelope to Andover Trails at the address provided.  

The Andover Select Board and Town Manager have included in their 2022-23 priorities “Kickoff the Master Planning Process for the Shawsheen River and improve safe access for fishing and boating”. River paddlers are encouraged to participate in the master planning effort which was launched this winter.  Please use this Public Engagement Portal to add your input. And here’s a tutorial on how to use the portal: watch VIDEO.

See you on the River,
Steve Golden
Andover Trails Board