Shawsheen River Clean-up: 9.26.2020, 9:30-12:00

Posted on September - 17 - 2020

Sacred Heart Reservation (Balmoral Park) 8/30/20

9.26.2020, 9:30-12:00 – Save the Date! Meet at 9:30 at the put in site (park in the soccer field lot and walk across the field to the trail sign). Plan to get wet, bring water! Bring gloves, grabbers, grappling hooks or any tools you might have. No tools? It’s okay – we supply some gloves and grabbers! If low water, we will walk upstream towards Washington Park. If the water is higher – we can paddle upstream. There are 3 steel drums in the oxbow close Washington Park and 13 tires along the way with a whole lot of other stuff. IF YOU THINK YOU CAN COME, let Alice or me know ( or If water is higher and we paddle, we may have an extra kayak or two if you need one. Rain date is 9.27.