Kevin and I cut pieces off stump Maggie wanted us to remove. Will need boulder removed so I can try to pull it out with my SUV and 5000 lb. car tow rope. Also Michelle across from 2000 whipple with blowndown tree from her retaining wall talked to us. She said three kayakers earlier this spring got mixed up with Tree? and entrance to downstream culvert and nearly drowned there. We trimmed (Mainly Kevin) from tree to reduce
~20% of trash hydraulic pressure on tree. Water is 4-5 feet deep
there and we will be back there in low water to see what can be done there. Kevin and I will work on two other blown downs to clear this section of river to 760 south st. May/June. Will get Pictures next time.
We have 4 chain saws and can handle branches up to 9 inches
from shore or 1-2′ of water. Not bad for old duffer squad.
Bob M