Thanks for helping out on the Shawsheen River cleanup yesterday, September 29, 2018! With this work and the prior work Mike and Chris did in the morning at the KOC, we should be able to have clear passage (well, maybe some slight but manageable obstructions depending on water level) from 2000 Whipple to where we left off yesterday afternoon. Collaboration by members of the Shawsheen River Watershed Association and the Shawsheen Greenway as well as new faces led to a greater opening of the Shawsheen for paddlers. It was a fun and productive day. The Shawsheen Greenway has cleared from Essex St. Andover to the border of Tewksbury. That means next year’s work (provided the winter is not as bad as last year!) will be the obstructions from the Mill Street culverts up into the marsh in Tewksbury (closer to the 93).