Sharon Lapham was featured at the Loading Dock Gallery at the Western Ave Studios in Lowell. Pieces of her art created from items found in the Shawsheen River. Brian Henderson was the masterful speaker. The show was called Waterscapes put on by OLAUG: (Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage) [ Read More ]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Emery Woods in Dunstable, MA, another fun paddle with Marlies … Who would have thought 70 degrees after changing the clock on November 6th?
“Have you heard of The Old Witch Bridge, hidden in the woods of Lawrence? Read on to learn more about this fascinating story” by clicking here.
Check out what looks like an amazing weekend!
It was a pleasure meeting so many interesting paddlers on Ballardvale Day. We look forward to seeing you next spring to kayak or canoe with us as well as discover buried treasure on a river cleanup. Thank you Barbara for your hard work planning the day. The costumes for [ Read More ]
This very informative article written by Tom Adams in the Andover Townsman on 9/23/21. includes excerpts from an article written by Andover historian Gail Ralston To read the article press on this link.
Paddled on the Ipswich River today. My friend rented a kayak from Foote Brothers. I brought my kayak and was allowed to use their put in for free. The river is beautiful, many blue herons, turtles, and a huge bull frog who evaded my camera.
To watch a short video click here.
The SRWA will participate in the Tewksbury Earth Day Activities on the Shawsheen on April 21st, 2018. Activities include continued landscaping and clean-up at the 2000  Whipple Kayak-put in and trail-making and marking, landscaping, clean-up and kiosk installation at the NEW Shawsheen Overlook site. In addition, those bringing kayaks/canoes will be [ Read More ]